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Sep 3, 2024 - Why It`s So Hard To Build Nuclear Power Plants In The U.S.

Plant Vogtle, a nuclear power plant in Waynesboro, Ga., is the largest source of clean energy in the U.S. following the addition of two new reactors, according to Georgia Power. The plant`s Unit 4 reactor began commercial operations in April and Unit 3 went online last year. They are the first reactors built from scratch and connected to the grid in over three decades and together can power over a million homes and businesses, according to the utility provider. But bringing a nuclear power plant to life is difficult and costly. The two new reactors at Plant Vogtle were initially budgeted at $14 billion, but that price tag more than doubled. The project also ran seven years behind schedule. "We had some challenges, it was an arduous journey, things that we didn`t anticipate," said Chris Womack, CEO of Southern Company. "From the tsunami in Fukushima to the contractor going bankrupt to Covid. There were a number of things that occurred.
The U.S. has 54 operating nuclear power plants and 94 reactors, making it the world`s largest producer of nuclear power -- accounting for 30% of global nuclear electricity, according to the World Nuclear Association. But reactors in the U.S. are 42 years old on average, and they`re getting older. Replacing them is a complex task. So why is it so hard to build nuclear reactors in the U.S. and should the new Vogtle reactors be a blueprint or a cautionary tale for the future?
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