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M.A. Rosen - Battery Technology

Battery Technology From Fundamentals to Thermal Behavior and Management
1st Edition
Authors: Marc A Rosen, Aida Farsi

No. of pages: 298
Language: English
Published: January 23, 2023
Imprint: Academic Press
Paperback ISBN: 9780443188626

Battery Technology: From Fundamentals to Thermal Behavior and Management provides comprehensive coverage of rechargeable battery technology fundamentals, along with relevant aging mechanisms and thermal management systems. With a strong focus on the analysis and modeling of battery technologies, the book includes coverage of overpotentials in battery cells and discussions on the thermal-electrochemical coupled modeling of batteries. Beginning with an introduction to battery technology, the book then takes a deep dive into thermodynamics of batteries and electrochemical modeling of batteries. Subsequent chapters examine battery thermal behavior and thermal systems, before discussing integrated battery-based systems. Accompanied by chapter objectives, applications, case studies and study questions to test knowledge, this book is an essential resource for students and researchers wanting to understand the underlying basics of batteries, along with the latest advances in battery technology.

Key Features
Provides a comprehensive resource on the fundamentals of battery technologies and their thermal management systems
Follows a coherent approach, starting from fundamentals and basics and culminating with advanced systems and applications
Highlights case studies and real-world examples throughout to bridge the gap between knowledge and practical applications

About the Authors
Marc A. Rosen is a professor at Ontario Tech University (formally University of Ontario Institute of Technology) in Oshawa, Canada, where he served as founding Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering and the founding Editor-in-Chief of Sustainability. He has written numerous books and journal articles. Professor Rosen received the President`s Award from the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering in 2012. He is an active teacher and researcher in sustainable energy, environmental impact of energy and industrial systems, and energy technology (including heat transfer and recovery, renewable energy and efficiency improvement).

Aida Farsi, Ph.D., is a postdoctoral fellow at University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, Canada, in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science. Dr. Farsi is a member of the Leadership team of the ASME Ontario Chapter and presently serves as Treasurer. She is an active researcher in sustainable energy technologies, clean hydrogen production methods, desalination systems and energy system analysis and modeling. She has received several honors and awards.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to battery technology
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Chapter Objectives
1.3. Battery working principles
1.4. Types of batteries
1.5. Applications of batteries
1.6. Closing remarks
1.7 Study Questions
1.8 Further Reading
1.9 References

2. Thermodynamics of batteries
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Chapter Objectives
2.3. Thermodynamics and potential of batteries
2.4. Reversible cell potential
2.5. Energy balance in battery
2.6. Heat generation rate in batteries
2.7. Closing remarks
2.8. Study Questions
2.9. Further Reading
2.10. References

3. Electrochemical modeling of batteries
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Chapter Objectives
3.3. Overall cell potential of a battery
3.4. Surface overpotential
3.5. Concentration overpotential
3.6. Transport phenomena in a battery cell
3.7. Ohmic overpotential
3.8. Performance of a battery cell
3.9. Closing remarks
3.10. Study Questions
3.11. Further Reading
3.12. References

4. Thermal behavior of batteries
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Chapter Objectives
4.3. Aging mechanism in batteries
4.4. Thermal runaway
4.5. Heat generation rate and temperature variation in batteries
4.6. Thermal behavior model of batteries
4.7. Thermal behavior impacts in batteries: challenges and opportunities
4.8. Closing remarks
4.9. Study Questions
4.10. Further Reading
4.11. References

5. Battery thermal management systems
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Chapter Objectives
5.3. Air-based battery thermal management systems
5.4. Liquid-based battery thermal management systems
5.5. Phase change material (PCM)-based battery thermal management systems
5.6. Liquid-vapor phase change-based battery thermal management systems
5.7. Closing remarks
5.8. Study Questions
5.9. Further Reading
5.10. References

6. Battery system design
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Chapter Objectives
6.3. Battery system requirements
6.4. Life prediction of battery system
6.5. Electrical design of batteries for various applications
6.6. Thermal design of batteries for thermal management
6.7. Mechanical design of enclosures for battery cells and packs
6.8. Safety considerations in battery systems
6.9. Closing remarks
6.10. Study Questions
6.11. Further Reading
6.12. References

7. Integrated battery-based systems
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Chapter Objectives
7.3. Integrated battery-based systems in transportation
7.4. Case studies
- Case Study 1: PEM fuel cell-assisted lithium-ion battery electric vehicle integrated with an air-based thermal management system
- Case study 2: Hybrid-electric aircraft propulsion system including SOFC, lithium-ion battery and gas turbine
7.5. Closing remarks
7.6. Study Questions
7.7. Further reading
7.8. References

8. Closing remarks and future directions on batteries and their thermal management
